GDTA Executive 2024-2025
President Roger Davey Seacliff Tennis Club
Vice President Gordon Armstrong Dover Square Tennis Club
Treasurer Malcolm House Peake Gardens-Riverside Tennis Club
Secretary Valda Davey Seacliff Tennis Club
Junior Coordination: Robyn Kenny, Malcolm House (tournament, I/A)
& other co-opted members
GDTA League Manager Administrator: Roger Davey
GDTA Junior League Manager Support: Robyn Kenny, Gen Dawson
GDTA members on
GWTC match committee Roger Davey, Robyn Kenny
Committee Members
Carol Conley Morphettville Park Tennis Club
*Nigel Dally Marion Tennis Club to help with gradings
*Shaun Kennedy Dover Square Tennis Club to help with gradings
All the above-mentioned nominees were elected unopposed by members present.
The Association is also able to co-opt members to assist with administrative tasks
as they arise.